Monday, August 8, 2011

Natural Hair Lingo

So, I'm like a re-admitt to the natural hair movement. So when I look around hair care boards and youtube channels I can't help but wonder what each term means.

So for those of you out there who aren't in the know like me, here's a small (and incomplete) list of some of the terms I've learned.

EVOO - Extra Virgin Olive Oil (I know... I know... Lol)
BC- Big Chop or cutting off the relax ends from your natural hair
DC- Deep Condition
DDC- Dry Deep Condition (putting deep conditioner on your dry hair)
Plooping/Plunking- Basically drying your hair with a towel like this. (Weird right?)
Pre-poo- Deep condition your hair first and then shampooing it.
Co-wash- washing your hair with conditioner minus the shampoo
Twist out/ Braid Out/Bantu Knot Out/...Out- well this is like it sounds, two strand twisting hair or braiding your hair and then taking it out for a crinkled look with less shrinkage
condish- conditioner
poo- shampoo
TWA - Tweeny Weeny Afro or Mini 'Fro
No-Poo- No shampoo
Transitioning- when you stop relaxing your hair and begin growing out your natural hair. Sooner or later you will most likely do a big chop.
ACV- Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse
Hair Type - well this is some deeeeeep stuff here so I suggest you go here. It didn't help me and it doesn't make sense to me... so I do not use this system religiously... lol
BSL- bra strap length hair
APL- arm pit length hair
finger comb- using fingers to comb through hair to detangle or apply product.
PJ- product junkie
slip- Well... I wasn't too sure about this one but I assume it is the amount of detangling and manageability a conditioning product adds to your hair once applied.
Sealing- using oils to seal in the moisture from leave in conditioners, hair lotions, or moisturizers.

These are the most common terms I have encountered during my web surfing. I hope this was as enlightening for me as well as you!

Here's are a few reference pages I've used! Check them out for more info!

~.^ I shall return! ^.~

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